50 Years Ago Today - Martin Luther King Riots

(April 4, 2018) Last October I wrote about the events of 50 years previous (October 1967) that had resulted in my sudden departure from the boonies of Vietnam ( 50 Years Ago Today - Vietnam ). This event is also now 50 years in the past. After a month or so in the medical facilities in Japan, I made it home just in time for Christmas. I had 30 days of leave upon my return, but still had nearly a year of time left in my 3 year enlistment. Before my injury, I had gone to the Public Information Office to see about being a combat photographer. I had done a 6 month extension to get into the Recondos, and I was considering another 9 month extension (in Vietnam, but not the Army). That would bring me back to the states with less than 90 days in my tour, which would have given me an Early Out. If I had to be in the Army, Vietnam seemed preferable to the spit and polish of being on stateside duty. It would be hard to get used to that after the more relaxed discipline of a war zone. But spending months on end humping the boonies was already losing appeal. As a photographer I could still spend time in the boonies, but only for shorter periods with the opportunity to sleep on a real bed between times. I was going to sign the extension papers the next time we came in from the field. Except I found myself on the way to Japan on a medical evacuation before that could happen.[Read more…]